Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority to host Indian investors

source: Mmegi


The Botswana Export Development and Investment Authority (BEDIA) will next week host a delegation of eleven Indian investors here on a mission to explore potential investment opportunities in the glass, leather and coal manufacturing industries.

BEDIA Public Relations Officer, Kungo Lentswe says the delegation will hold a seminar on Monday and thereafter meet one-on-one with local investors until Thursday.

“They are coming to explore possibilities like setting up their factories here or [continue reading]

  1. I am a coservationist and a potential foreign investor in water resources management, irrigation and drylads farming aroud Ghanzi/Maun bearing in mind Botswana`s national food imports and erratic weather patterns (ie high evaporation rates around the Okavango) and ecological concerns. I tried to e-mail BEDIA but has had no responce from them so far.
    Thank You!