SADC allows Mugabe to dictate terms at Johannesburg summit

source: SW Radio Africa
By Tichaona Sibanda
10 November 2008

SADC leaders at the extraordinary summit on Zimbabwe allowed Robert Mugabe to dictate the terms, giving him the coveted backing of the regional bloc, Newsreel learned on Monday.
The summit ruled that the Ministry of Home Affairs must be co-managed by ZANU PF and the MDC T, a proposal presented by Mugabe. MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai has rejected this.
It’s reported that the ZANU PF leader took advantage of the absence of his critics, namely Botswana President Ian Khama, to advance his accusations that Khama was actively working with the MDC to destabilise Zimbabwe. Botswana has strongly refuted the accusations.

The latest failed diplomatic effort – which attracted only five leaders from the 15-nation bloc – leaves the country sinking deeper into a humanitarian crisis. Only Kgalema Motlanthe, the South African host, Joseph Kabila from the DRC, President Hifikepunye Pohambo of Namibia, Armando Guebuza of Mozambique and Lesotho Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili were present. The rest had representatives standing in [continue reading]

  1. zwsarah

    I am heartened to read another blog trying to keep this issue in the media. The situation in the country is dire, yet the world sits on its hands and refuses to get involved. I’m a Zimbabwean, with family and friends back home and I am so very worried about them.