Operators attend World Travel Market

source: BOPA
10 November, 2008

KASANE – The Botswana Tourism Board has invited 26 local tourism operators to attend the annual World Travel Market to be held in London from the 10th to the 13th of November.

Operators alongside the Minister of Wildlife, Environment and Tourism, Mr Kitso Mokaila, the Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Mr Edmond Moabi and the Botswana Tourism Board Chief Executive Officer, Ms Myra Sekgororoane are to attend the event.

While in London the minister will also attend a summit on “responding to the economic downturn and staying with the climate and poverty reduction agenda.” The Botswana Tourism Board Communications Manager, Mrs Keitumetse Setlang said the move serves the local tourism businesses to keep growing their market in the United Kingdom.

“The World Trade Market is a platform where trade on products and services of national or regional tourist organizations, tourists service providers and travel related services, is done,” she said.

The market is attended by over 45 000 travel professionals [continue reading]