De Beers Outlines Strategy For Lean Times

source: Mmegi

In a presentation, senior executives from De Beers, including the Managing Director of De Beers Group Gareth Penny, the Managing Director of Diamond Trading Company Varda Shine, and the Chief Strategic Officer of Forevermark David Lamb spoke of strong long-term fundamentals of the diamond industry, and De Beers’ strategy for maintaining its market share of discretionary spending during the current global economic crisis.

The presentations highlighted the company’s strategies on production, sales and marketing during the downturn.

Shine outlined a six-point action plan to ensure DTC maintains its competitive advantage for its sightholders thus:

DTC sightholders carefully look at their box mixtures and scheduling; as DTC has received a highly focussed set of applications from clients, consequently, the next two sights will be smaller with DTC prices reflecting sustainable polished outcome from [continue reading]