Botswana may survive global economic turmoil

source: Sunday Standard
by Philimon Molaodi
20.04.2008 10:13:29 A

Economic pointers do not appear rosy this year. Some of the spikes afflicting the global village this year are high food prices, sky rocketing fuel costs, financial crisis, and all time high inflation. These economic variables saw world economic bodies, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Trade Organisation (WTO), reviewing this year’s global economic growth downwards. At least in some parts of the world, rising food prices have already caused social instability. The world’s largest economy – United States of America – is said to be in a “mild recession”.

In light of the above, analysts were these week cautious on whether the domestic economy would emerge resilient or would equally spiral downwards.
“When you look at it at a macro level, there is [continue reading]